
Воркшоп по холотропному дыханию

Holotropic Breathwork is a modality developed by Dr. Stan Grof to allow participants to access the healing potential of non-ordinary states of consciousness through breath and music.

This brings you a personalized experience that can result in such things as more joy and freedom in personal relationships, resolution of childhood trauma, a transpersonal satori type of breathwork/breathing experience of union with the universe, a deeper understanding of the purpose and meaning of your life, a sense of being more grounded and centered in your life, and a more profound sense of connection to the world around you.

Facilitator – Tatiana Ginzburg, PhD in transpersonal psychology, 20 years of experience in various breathwork, founder of European Breathwork School (Saint-Petersburg, Russia), ex-national Russian coordinator at International Breathwork Foundation, author of «Methodology of Integration in Breathwork»

She has her special touch of facilitation that does not let you to escape from your real challenges !




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Расположение: Русский Дом 1, HWY 1, Дженнер, Калифорния 9960 (PO 158), Дженнер, Калифорния 95450

По вопросам: +17078068430