
Мистерия дыхания

С 19 по 21 октября

“The Mystery of Breathing”

«Breath of breaths, all is breath» 

(Ecclesiastes 1:2)

The spirit of breathing inspirits us.

The spirit of breathing is with us all our life.

The spirit of breathing is a power that creates change.

At “The Mystery of Breathing” workshop we will totally immerse ourselves in breathing practices and self-exploration.

Western (Rebirthing, Holotropic breathing, Vivation, Primal therapy) and 

Eastern (Pranayama, Vipassana, Anapana) practices will help us to reach Wholeness. 

And of course, we will also try the newest Russian techniques, like Free Breathing, DA-breathing, and A-ha breathing.

Workshop facilitator – Tatiana Ginzburg,

PhD in transpersonal psychology, 20 years of experience in various breathwork, founder of European Breathwork School (Saint-Petersburg, Russia), ex-national Russian coordinator at International Breathwork Foundation, author of «Methodology of Integration in Breathwork»

She has her special touch of facilitation that

does not let you to escape from your real

challenges !

The purpose of this workshop is deep dive into oneself. 

Trance-like states, 

altered states of consciousness, 

existential experience 

as the tools that we will be actively using during our workshop. 

You can touch the secrets of breath reaching the true self inside. 

Are you in?

Workshop price includes

a set of non-stopbreathwork and other self-exploration practices,

Lodging is in a comfortable tents under the redwood trees or shared rooms

Hikes, hot tubs, woods create a special environment. 

Healthy vegan and vegetarian food provided